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comic relief, children in need or Telethon (remember that?)

Comic Relief
Childen In Need
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By Jacqui
well......? which televised charity is the best?
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By Nablo.
Comic relief I find is the most emotional effective and it's not dull like the others.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
people dont remember the glory of telethon though...
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By MK Chris
I was talking about that today actually, I don't really remember it, but I'm sure I remember Comic Relief being on ITV, they just said I was thinking of the telethon thing.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
yeah i think cilla was one of the hosts. they made no effort to entertain an it was all from the telephone exchange thing as i remember..
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I shop at charity shops....
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By MK Chris
I draw the line there actually, I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to them.
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Why? I love 'em! You just get such great bargains sometimes, mind it depends what sort of style you want...they suit my purpose very nicely...What do you wear?
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By Sidders
What the hell was telethon?
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By Nablo.
I can't remember it either.
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By Morals
It was a fund raising TV event where they stuck a a load of B-List celebs on telly asking for money for something ridiculous like 10 hours.... It was rubbish.
By timb
Morals wrote:It was a fund raising TV event where they stuck a a load of B-List celebs on telly asking for money for something ridiculous like 10 hours.... It was rubbish.
and the difference between this and comic relief?
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By MK Chris
Comic Relief is actually quite entertaining.

Just before I went out, I caught a bit where Bob challenged Vic to say "beer can" without sounding like he was a Jamaican saying "bacon." Genius...
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By Nablo.
Yeah I was laughing at that part. Then when Avid Marion was trying to get Jack Dee down from the pole. Great stuff.
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My favourite bit was the Open University thing on BBC2, my favourite bit of the whole eve! Eastenders was two short, Wacko Jacko was too hyped and Harry Potter was just mostly crap!
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By Sidders
I thought the spoof Blankety Blank was very funny!
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By Stephen.
Topher wrote:Just before I went out, I caught a bit where Bob challenged Vic to say "beer can" without sounding like he was a Jamaican saying "bacon." Genius...

As done on the Mark & Lard show... Still,very funny :lol:
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My favourite bit was thr Ricky Gervais video Diary, that was really funny. I thought this year was better than most years, especially Blankety Blank and the everyone failing their driving tests (I was particularly pleased Gareth failed, the smug git.)

I remember Teleton, even though I was about 6, crappy sets and Michael Aspel.
By timb
yeah, i liked the university challenge hosted by deaton =D and i agree about GG, he thinks hes elvis or something. i can't wait to see him flipping burgers in maccy d's
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By Sidders
I've still not seen all of it. I taped it so I can wind all the guilt-trips through.
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By Uglybob
never watched tho im sure it was better than Children In Need. What makes them think Newsreaders acting silly is entertaining?
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By Chief Erf
I buy form chairty shops, but only f a see a nice tie or hat.
Comic relief is Okish, Johnathon ross should be incinerated though.
And although i like avid marrion, Jack dee is a lot funnier, so that part you could just see jackl going "what an unfunny prick"
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By Adam
Comic Relief was bound to win...

who was the person, who said "other". What other?
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