The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues

Do you think clowns are

Scary as hell
Not at all scary
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By Jonny Hoare
Therapy for Morals

better get used to it - there's plenty on this board

adlynch, eddie, nablomonkeygonads and ugly bob etc etc
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By Charmaine
I really hate them! They're all evil i'm sure! I've never liked them since I watched the film It!
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By Nablo.
I do hope Jonny that in etc section of clowns you are in there. If not you sure be at the top of the pile.

As for the Clowns thing, I've never found them scary just more on the lines of feeling worried them. Not all the time you see sad men falling over and hitting them selves attempting to be funny. Not funny at all then again it's kind of like Mr sad old Bean.
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By Morals
There's definitely something sick and wrong about the whole clown thing. I mean, look at Ronald McDonald, even he looks evil!

I've just been flicking through this months .net and they've got a link to the following site:

What with tthat and the headlines thing on Emma B's show today I feel like there's some big scare morals with clowns conspiracy going on!
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
have any of you seen carnival of souls? reeeeaaally crappy film, but it's got a scary clown in it.
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By Morals
Shall have to rent it - I love crappy horror films! If you want to see a really bad one, try "The house by the cemetary".... Oh, and there's another one with this kid who builds a robot and then his girlfriend dies so he brings her back to life using the robots brain. Can't remember what it's called but some old woman gets decaptitated with a basket ball and then her headless body runs around her house. Cracking stuff! :)
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By Charmaine
I seen "The house by the cemetary" being advertised on video, i wanna watch that! I also love crappy horror films! Another one with a scary clown in is "The clown at midnight", I seen it on the Sci-fi channel not long ago!
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By Adam
i suggest you go to your nearest video outlet and hire out Steven Kings IT.

now- that is a scary clown

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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
oooh is it pennywise the clown in IT? my friend was talking about it a while ago...he's in the sewers or something isn't he and he finds a little boy and er...i can't remember anymore.
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By Morals
That's pretty much it (no pun intended) :)
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By luvchild 2
being the mascot clown!

Not doing this again! xxcatxx 8)
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By Charmaine
I never felt the same about clowns after seeing that. I remember he used to be down the sewer and he said to the little boy with the boat "we float down here" Give me nightmares that thing did!