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So shall we delete the users or not (read proposal be4 votin)?

Not bothered
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By Hypeymikey!
Well i was talking to sam and suparwoman the other day about how many users there are on this site and there are some that have never posted at all so whats the point in having them. Obviously it could take to much space on the net so how about you delete the users that don't use it for 2 months then if they want to rejoin they can.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, talking about wasting bandwidth, Mikey seems to have an itchy mouse finger.
By timb
this double post clearly needed to be replied to so that it didn't you know disapear or anything
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By Sidders
I would hardly call :?: a reply. I was just saying what everyone was thinking.
By timb
it bumped it to the top of the thread index instead of sliding off the bottom. hence my point
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By Adam
hold on, wtf is hypermikey?
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By Sidders
Adam, you're so slow sometimes. He's mates with Sam and Charl.
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By Adam
no, i'm not slow - sidla. of course i know who he is, its just why would a newbie being posting a thread about deleting old members..? seems a little strange really..
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By Sidders
Why ask if you know?
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By Adam
FD gets chuffy...

look mate. that thread was created on 29 Dec 2002 @ 23:45.

don't think Hyperwhatever would of seen that. agreed?
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By Funky Drummer
Yeah I know, and thanks for that Adam, it was merely as a "For Your Information" style post. :)
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
it wasnt opinion it was a fact. FACT.
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You might have disappeared HyperMikey...if this system was in before...
By Dopey
If we're on about saving space then I'm sure that deleting posts that are really, really old. and editing all the waffle out of the sounds forum so it was a basic 'I want ... ' then a ' Its at ... ' or even removing posts that are no longer valid.
(Possibly like this one)
By timb
in either case we're not talking about large amounts of space. The mysql database is only a matter of mb
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Then why was this set this up?
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By Nablo.
Because pointless things are fun
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By Jacqui
of course they are nablo. have you no sense of humour?!?!?!?!
(I was being Ironic!)
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By Nablo.
Yes I do, I just don't find a huge lot funny on here.
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By Jacqui
i dont blame you personally!

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