Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By MK Chris
The argument about whether you know what you're doing or not is very complex, but I think (I think someone said this already) there is a difference between not knowing what you are doing and being mad.

Obviously if you murder anyone you are mad, whether you are willing to admit that or not. That goes for everyone, from Thompson and Venables to Shipman to Rose West. If you are evil like that then you are mad. Whether you knew what you was doing is a completely different matter. Thats what matters, thats what should determine peoples fates and sentences.

As for whether they should be tried in an adult court, I think it was the right decision, as Magenta said they could have backed out and knew exactly what to say to divert people's attentions.

Capital Punishment: only for the most heinous, vile, disgusting crime ever, IMO - Paedophilia, and then only if its proven.
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By Gigglyboots
My idea of who deserves capital punishment, would be murderers, child molesters and probably serial rapists. But then as you get further and further out, then it sort of becomes to big a thing.
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By Nablo.
People who don't pay their license fee should be hit with a large wet mackrel for an hour. That would teach them.
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By Jonny Hoare
Line 4 - you're thru to Mike Dickin here on talksport
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By Sam
I'm completly and utterly against Capital Punishment. Haven't got time to go in to all the ins and outs but I just think quite simply 2 wrongs can never and will never make a right.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Unless you turn left then left again in which case you have effectively made a right turn from your original path...
By Bridgie
ive seen the documentaries about the bulger case and the stuff they did to that boys body is absolutely disgusting.

to take him and kill him is one thing but to do all that other stuff makes it quite obvious they didnt want to back out at any point.

at 10 years old you know whats right and wrong because from the age of about 3 you get told off for doing bad things and i think any 10 year old would know its wrong to murder someone. i certainly did.

bring back capital FM punishment. theyre forced to listen 24/7 for their whole sentence without sleep. MWA HA HA.

life should be life.
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By Adam
life sentences - okay the name sums it up, but whats all the post saying.

care to sum the thread up in a few words, for me?
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By Sidders
If you think about it though, someone could lose their temper and do something they regret and wouldn't normally do (like stab someone for example). Is that nessesarily worth locking someone up for life over?
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By Adam
well, knock someone over in your motor and you get a one way ticket to jail hell.
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By Sidders
That's a different situation altogether, because although you don't mean to kill anyone you are knowingly and willfully driving dangerously, wether it's speeding, drink driving or whatever. If you're not driving dangerously then you can get away with it.
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By Gigglyboots
They are going to increase the sentences and penalties for dangerous driving aren't they?
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By Adam
no, its an instant butlins style camp holiday for any offenders who knock down people in there cars.

straight to jail in other words. sort of like pass go, but dont collect £100.
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By ninemaster
Now heres a question for you is traffic cone theft a crime? If so half the students in this country are fugitives what should be the punishment?
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By Adam
Indeed, it is. you, my old bean, aaare techicnally taking someone's else property. students? am one the simply one not to filch ah traffic cone? same for traffic signs. Don't you know?
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By ninemaster
But its a victimless crime! Anyway what student flat is complete without a piece of road furniture. They should have an amnesty
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By Morals
My mates stumbled across a trafic light they workers hadn't had time to put up, so they nicked it and stuck a lamp inside it.
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By Chief Erf
I Think that if these ex-convicts are now getting a degree and having a normal life, people should applaud them, not complain that they should be kept locked up and treated differently. Surely the aim of prison is to punish and reform, these people are reformed and we should forgive them. If they kill again, then they should have life.
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By Gigglyboots
Yes..but they get it all on a plate for free, while we work our socks off to get to uni. I do understand your idea, they deserve reform. I guess, it's just a sort of jealous outlook from me.
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By kendra k
listen. prisons were started by the quakers as a method of reform. before that people would be locked up and executed in droves. this is modernity. DEAL WITH IT.
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By Chief Erf
Hey, if you want it all on a plate you should have killed someone as a child, dont complain to us.
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By bob_fleming
venables and the other one knew right from wrong, perhaps public stoning should be broght back or at least some sort of corpral punishment be it public flogging or something like that
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By Sidders
Don't be so stupid. What're they going to learn from that?
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By bob_fleming
i dont mean for them i mean in general, i still dont think free holidays and a free degree was the best course of action, but then again who am i to dictate punishment to criminals!!
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By Sidders
bob_fleming wrote:but then again who am i to dictate punishment to criminals!!

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