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Do you smoke after sex?

I haven't looked
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By kendra k
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By Uglybob
call it ironic but their post count is 69
By Dopey
the clue's in the question
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By kendra k
let's make a poll to guess how old spoon is.
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By Uglybob
By Dopey
younger, he's just found out the facts of life
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By MK Chris
I was gonna say eight.
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By Spoon
So are you asking mental or physical age?
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By Nablo.
Whats the third option for? Is it in case you happen to be in the dark or have your eyes shut afterwards.
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By Sidders
I'd prefer a different third option :oops:
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By Spoon
Hasn't anyone seen Austin Powers??????
I blatantly nicked this poll from that. It was either right at the end of the first movie or at the start of the second one when he's in bed with Liz Hurley.
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By kendra k
By David
I hate Austin Powers... It's one of those hilariously unfunny films that everyone without a sense of humour thinks is funny.
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By kendra k
exactly! david, you're starting to make some sense.
By David
I've always made sense... it a kind of unsensible sort of way.
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By Nablo.
Austin Powers has different styles of jokes in it, when I saw it in the Cinema I laughed but not at the same things everyone else seemed to find funny.
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By Morals
kendra k wrote:let's make a poll to guess how old spoon is.

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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
shaguar how is that not funnny? its like a jaguar only.... its lost on you people

i do think you are all bein a bit harsh on spoon though theres nowt wrong with this.
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By Spoon
Having a sense of humour is what makes life bearable. The more things you find funny, the more bearable life is.

To keep myself healthy I try to find the humour n most situations. Like a few years ago some toss pot broke into my car and nicked my tapes but didn't nick the stereo or my wallet (which had money in it) which was in the door pocket. Ok, pissed off about the crappy copied tapes, but v. funny about that person missing my wallet and you know what, I've forgotten what the hell I was writing about in the first place, I'm just wasting time and getting paid for it.
Time for a coffee break methinks.
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By Scottie
I don’t smoke after sex, I use a lubricant ho ho ho :roll:
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
afterwards? surely thats a bit pointless then.....