- Fri Apr 20, 2001 11:00 am
Posting 100s of messages isn't really practical, so why don't we all meet up in a chat room whenever we are online?<P>I'm an IRC freak and I'm not used to posting msgs, so I'm thinking of setting up a channel on IRC for MoylesWorld/Chris Moyles fans. I could probably get some bots for the channel to stay on 24/7 and op the appropriate people. I'm thinking of setting it up on EFnet (the only decent network), anybody interested?<P>If you need any help getting onto IRC, try http://www.irchelp.org and http://www.mirc.co.uk. Download Mirc and connect to an EFnet server (efnet.demon.co.uk, irc.ins.net.uk). Then type in "/join #moyles". You can also access IRC from java applets, but I don't need to tell you whats wrong with those.<P>Thanks,<br>the_dr