To put the record strait, iam a fire woman from cheshire. i am 20 yrs old. im not 13. im not 15. i am in the shit at work. thankyou for puting my private life on a bourd adam. xxcatxx
luvchild wrote:To put the record strait, iam a fire woman from cheshire. i am 20 yrs old. im not 13. im not 15. i am in the shit at work. thankyou for puting my private life on a bourd adam. xxcatxx
I hate it when people say 'Up North' - I am up North, I am in Shetland for god sake. I know when people say 'Up North' they mean north of England but......
Personally I'd say it was borderline .. remembering East Mids. airport is just south of Notts .. but .. can't be agreeing with Adam, so I'll go for Midlands.
It depends where in cheshire doesnt it. Stockport is Cheshire but its clearly right up the rear end of manchester. Well its Cheshire/Greater Manchester but the counties of the world have been bastardised. Manchester used to be lancs, those were the days.